Powerful workflow software for teams of all sizes
A flexible, easy-to-use platform that allows you to create custom and automatic workflows in minutes.
Used By Great Companies
Effortless workflow management
One simple platform to manage and automate all of your workflows
Designed for people with zero coding experience
Workflows can be designed in minutes using our easy and user friendly designer. Create tasks and add controls to collect or display all of your data. Customize the behavior of your workflow with due dates, assignments, conditional logic, halts tasks and more. Workflows can be designed for any scenario.
Connect with other apps to streamline your workflows
Integrate with other software and applications to improve the way your team operates. Use our Zapier app, webhooks or Rest API to take your workflow integration to the next level.
No-code automations to improve your team's productivity
Automate your processes! Our workflow solution allows you to do more with less by quickly documenting business processes in pre-defined templates, assigning tasks, setting deadlines that can be monitored throughout the project lifecycle and automatically pulling information from third-party applications and APIs as needed.
Improved efficiency with dynamic workflows
Easily control the flow execution for your processes. Conditional logic enables you to have flexible workflows that automatically adapt to different situations and outcomes, so it's easier to automatically trigger certain decisions based on different teams or situations.

Keep your team focused and in-sync
Build processes and share them with your team members so everyone understands exactly what needs to be done every step of the way. Users can also comment on tasks, send reminders and set due dates which will now have a massive impact on your productivity – since you'll know exactly who needs to take care of which tasks at what time, resulting in a seamless online organizing experience!
Performance insights with custom reports and analytics
With our powerful software, workflows become effortless. Planning and evaluating processes has never been easier. You can monitor the performance of your business in real-time with our analytics dashboard and create customized reports about aspects that interest you most for maximum efficiency.
Learn MoreSee why thousands of teams use CheckFlow to manage their workflows
Take a look at some examples of how you could use our workflow management software to get your processes under control.